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Submit Payment Below

Kids Tech Academy tuition is competitively set. Tuition is based on an annual fee and for convenience can be paid in 12 equal monthly payments. Subsidized tuition is available to eligible student families through the Georgia Child and Parent Services program which is administered by the Fayette County Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS). You may pay fees weekly or monthly online. Tuition express will be available May 20, 2015. Tuition is due on or before Monday of the week of service. Tuition is due even if your child does not attend in order to hold their slot in the program. You may register your child online by submitting the fee and downloading the form and submitting it by email to

School Year Registration Fee

6 weeks - 12 years

Regular Rate for Single Registration $120.00

(School Term Aug-May) 

Regular Rate for Family Registration $150.00

(School Term Aug-May) 

Other Extracurricular Classes or Clubs (3 years - 12 years)

Please complete the registration form onsite for:

Chess Club

Engineering & Lego Robotics Club

Tennis Lessons

Spanish Classes

Dance Lessons

Keyboarding Lessons


Transportation Weekly

To or From schools within a 3 mile radius

Part-time Enrollment Three Day

We offer a limited number of part-time enrollment spaces. Spaces are offered on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday,Thursday schedule. Part time spaces are awarded on a first come – first serve basis and once they are filled up a waiting list for these spaces will be started.

Infants 6 weeks - 23 months

Part-time Enrollment Three Day

We offer a limited number of part-time enrollment spaces. Spaces are offered on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday,Thursday schedule. Part time spaces are awarded on a first come – first serve basis and once they are filled up a waiting list for these spaces will be started.

Toddlers and Two Year Olds 

Part-time Enrollment Three Day

We offer a limited number of part-time enrollment spaces. Spaces are offered on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday,Thursday schedule. Part time spaces are awarded on a first come – first serve basis and once they are filled up a waiting list for these spaces will be started.

Preschool Three and Four Year Olds

There are no refunds, credits, or exchanges of days for illness, vacation, or when a holiday falls on our regularly scheduled days of service. Parents with varying work schedules must work closely with the office staff in arranging schedules, and have their part-time weekly schedule indicated on the enrollment form. Please refer to the separate tuition sheet provided for your convenience, which details in greater depth your tuition obligations and policies regarding schedule changes.

All matters related to billing/scheduling must be discussed with the Administrative Assistant or Executive Director. For the sake of you and your child and your relationship with the staff, we have deliberately distanced our program staff from tuition matters. Please do not give them tuition payments, nor attempt to resolve billing problems or schedule changes with them.

Request More Information


Email Address*


Multiple Student Payments

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Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

291 Jenkins Road

Tyrone, GA 30290

(678) 661-KIDS

The program conducted by Kids Tech Academy is not affiliated, sponsored, or endorsed by LEGO Education or The LEGO Group.

Science Technology Engineering Art Math

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