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Welcome To


 Kids Tech Edition 

Summer Camp 2021

The bad reality show is finally over and after the year we have endured it is finally time to have some fun! Parents "set your DVR's and stay tuned as we embark on yet another amazing summer program. Welcome to THE REAL WORLD: Kids Tech Edition our version of a reality tv show where the kids will experience real world scenarios and situations that most are not exposed to at a young age. Not only will your child have a blast with swim lessons and cooking classes, the will also learn how to manage money, basic household skills and even how to change a tire. During our 10 week adventure we will play live-action Among Us, Escape a  Volcano and create business plans and products to present to our "Shark Tank" panel of investors. Our summer enrichment program although based around reality tv will not only entertain but educate your child. Will you join us for a unforgettable summer? 

 Our thrilling day camp for elementary and middle school students is designed to expose relevant academic subject matter in a fun, engaging and exciting way. KTA Summer Enrichment Program offers a well-rounded summer camp experience by blending technology education with the activities and lifetime benefits of traditional camps. Each week we will explore a variety of themed "Real World" classes, S.T.E.A.M activities, art/ cooking classes  and a different  sport each week. All activities are age appropriate and geared towards divided age groups. Although we have all had to make several changes due to COVID-19 we still plan to offer and safe and fun learning environment for your children this summer. Please refer to the CDC's website at the link below for all childcare recommendations we intend to adhere to. 

Ages: Our year-round early education program accepts children ages 6 weeks to 13 years.

Our Summer Enrichment Camp accepts students from Pre-K to the 8th grade.

Curriculum: Technology based S.T.E.A.M (Science Technology Engineering Art and Math) set of activities integrated with language arts, computer programming, robotics exploration, foreign language, music and culinary arts. A perfect blend of technology education and traditional summer camp fun!

Athletics: Onsite Recreational Swimming (will be open Summer 2021) and introductory instruction to other various of sports such as Basketball, Soccer, and Tennis.

Includes: Weekly Field Trips (ages 6-13)-suspended for summer 2021 due to COVID-19-, Daily Meal Plan, STEAM Activities, Assorted Weekly Activities, Arts and Crafts, Drama, Culinary, Sports/Fitness, Recreational On-Site Swimming , Game Room, Indoor/Outdoor Games (i.e. Board Games, Xbox and a Wii) and much more...

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Single Registration Fee

Summer Camp

Please call for pricing

Price for One Child

ALL Summer Campers (new and returning) Must Submit Enrollment Application Form (under Forms tab at top) with Payment Via Email:

***Please note registration fee is non-refundable and required to enroll in the summer program*** 

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Family Registration Fee

Summer Camp

Please Call for Pricing

Price for 2 or more siblings

ALL Summer Campers (new and returning) Must Submit Enrollment Application Form (under Forms tab at top) with Payment Via Email:

***Please note registration fee is non-refundable and required to enroll in the summer program*** 


Kids Tech Edition 2021 

Below are brief descriptions and tentative field trips.

Please note due to COVID-19 all field trips have been temporarily suspended.

Normally only campers in grades 1st through 8th are allowed on field trips,

speakers and in-camp field trips will be brought in for younger age groups. 

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June1st - June4th         

Survivor ​

 Lets move it! Work hard and play harder this week will be about nature and kids will learn about sustainability. The kids will discuss plants and wild life and we will also build from scratch our first Kids Tech garden.  

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June 7th–June 11th                                                     

Project Mc2

Science is not boring! During this week we will learn the science behind things and conduct some crazy fun experiments in the process. 

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June 14th –June 18th                                                    

Project Runway Junior

With clothing being essential to everyone's life why not design your own? Clothes not only keep us warm or cool but also help to express who we are. This week will be centered around the importance of self confidence.

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June 21st –June 25th           

 Ninja Warrior Junior (Spirit Week)

The floor is lava: challenges, volcanos and competitions OH MY!

Exercising is super important. Our goal this week is to get the kids up and moving with daycare Olympics and challenging obstacle course.

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June 28th – July 2nd                                            

The Amazing Race 

What's better than traveling the world in a week? Sampling delicacy's  from all over the world as you race against your friends in a week long "escape room" challenge.  

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June 5th- July 9th                                                    

The Apprentice

During this week kids will learn how to create a business from the ground up. They will pitch their world-changing idea and get a taste of how the business world works. The will be responsible for business plans, we will discuss how to write resumes and even have a interview day where they will wear business attire in order to get their first "jobs".

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July 12th – July 16th                                                      

The Great Christmas Light Flight (Christmas in July) 

This year Christmas comes early complete with tree decocorating contest, hot chocolate & s'mores, gift exchange and even a visit from Santa fresh from vacation. 

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July 19th –July 23rd                                                     

Kids Baking Challenge

Yummy! Cooking is the one life skill anyone can learn at any age. During this week kids will learn the basic ins and outs of a kitchen. By the end of the week, they might even want to let them cook dinner :-)

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July 26th –July 30th                           

Flip or Flop

Buying a house is hard at any age. Over the course of the second to last week, we want to give the kids an idea of what it means to bring a dream to reality in creating their dream homes from blueprint to building. We will also discuss credit & debit as well as mortgage vs rent. 

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July 27th-July 31st                                                      

The Masker Singer

Do you have a talent but are a little shy to reveal it? That's ok, this week is built for fun and try to guess the talent behind the mask We will also end with a all day swim party and watch footage of our first reality show.

Request More Information


Email Address*


Contact Information

Kids Tech Academy

Center: (678) 661-5437


Hours of Operation

Mon-Fri: 6:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.


291 Jenkins Road

Tyrone, GA 30290

Check out our video from

Kids Tech Goes to College 2018 Summer Camp

Check out our video from our Steam-TECH-ular Summer Enrichment 2017 Camp

Multiple Student Payments

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Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

291 Jenkins Road

Tyrone, GA 30290

(678) 661-KIDS

The program conducted by Kids Tech Academy is not affiliated, sponsored, or endorsed by LEGO Education or The LEGO Group.

Science Technology Engineering Art Math

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